Monday, September 17, 2007

Hillary Clinton, shamelessly political as ever.

Hillary Clinton is an insufferable piece of shit. There, I said it. Her pro-Iraq War stance pisses me off. Her support for an attack on Iran pisses me off. Her undying support for Israel pisses me off. But now, a new thing she's supporting really pisses me off: Requiring that Americans get health insurance. That's right. Read that again, carefully. She's not advocating the creation of a National Healthcare service. She's not trying to end for-profit medicine. She's advocating even GREATER subsidization of private health care, and claiming, through some kind of insane bullshit logic, that further subsidization of a system that is already heavily subsidized AND inadequate is going to make health care more affordable. And actually, it's not even subsidization, it's tax credits.

Drug developers get subsidies. Agro-business gets subsidies. Individual Americans without health insurance, will get a tax credit.... To pay for health insurance which they will be held in contempt for not having.... Maybe those people should take the money from that tax credit and form a powerful lobbying group that can provide the kind of campaign money necessary to convince Hillary that they need subsidies too. Or a decent not-for-profit health care system.

Hillary, you are a corporate suck-up she-devil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DOOD - TOTALLY AGREE - I HATE HER SO MUCH - The democrats need to stop sucking her teets and elect some one who would actually do something - God, the dems can finally elect a true liberal this time around because the republicans have f-ed it up so bad, but instead, they will elect moderate republican Hillary, because they still have a hard-on for welfare cutting, "don't ask, don't tell", pre-emptive, power-hungry blow-job getting Slick Willy -
It makes me sick