Sunday, December 23, 2007


So I didn't write this when it happened, but I'm sure some of you heard about stupid ol' Joe Lieberman endorsing stupid ol' John McCain for President. In that moment, I wanted to approach every asshole who criticized me for voting for Ralph Nader in 2000. Dick Cheney is an ass, but what has Joe Lieberman done since then that has made him any different from Tricky Dick? Did not this endorsement only solidify how much of a militarist he would have been had he been vice president?

Lieberman voted for the war in Iraq, still stands by it, and even dropped his party affiliation in order to run AGAINST an anti-war candidate in Connecticut in 2006. Democrats, who can't seem to accept that their party is just as dirty and opportunistic as their Republican counterparts, would have you believe that Al Gore would never have ordered an invasion of Iraq, but they forget that it was the Clinton-Gore team that maintained brutal sanctions against Iraq through out the 90's. Had Gore been elected and then been unable to capture Bin Laden following 9/11, why wouldn't he choose a convenient scapegoat in Iraq? What makes him so damned special? His V.P. certainly would have endorsed the whole affair, and his predecessor had no problem dropping bombs on Iraq in 1998 for the same reasons Bush invaded five years later.

Liberals seem to get nostalgic for Al Gore now that he's a Nobel prize winner, but he didn't talk at ALL about global warming in 2000 the way he does now. On top of that, had he won the election then, he and his buddy Joe Lieberman would have continued Clinton's misguided policy towards Iraq, and still would have launched the illegal and immoral invasion of Afghanistan.


I think it might be time for Americans to really consider boycotting their election system. Voting, in a process rigged to only allow the most militaristic of candidates to actually get nominated, is like handing these "leaders" a blank check. Election boycotting is a common tactic utilized worldwide by those who oppose the corrupt system they are living under. All states expend resources to prove their legitimate right to rule over people within their borders. Election boycotting denies them that ability to manufacture consent.


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