Thursday, May 10, 2007

48 hour film project

Butts were kicked last night and fools got served at the DC 48 hour film project. "Imaginary Joe" premiered with several other awesome short flicks, and I honestly can't say which movie will advance to the next round. I can only honestly say which ones won't. But I will refrain from saying anything, since it would be rude.

What I can say is that Anand and I received many compliments for our film, and I had the honor of becoming a minor celebrity after the showcase was over. Which is cool, in that I had obviously just gained a lot of exposure. It was weird though, in that compliments are scary to me, especially in large numbers all at once. I never really know how to appropriately respond to a random stranger who says, "YOU WERE SO GREAT!" I usually smile and thank them, but always get the impression my response was inadequate. I then thank them for coming, trying to deflect attention away from me and all the questions I might be asked about how challenging it must have been to play an anxiety-ridden, chain-smoking, alcoholic. "Very challenging," I want to say, "So challenging I need to go to a bar right now and order pint after pint of delicious, life giving beer so I can forget an entire room of people is suddenly looking at me"

1 comment:

Melody Nelson said...

congrats, dude. (and see you next week!)