Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ron Paul, all alone.

I didn't realize the Republican candidates had a debate last night. I mean, had I known I still wouldn't have watched it, since like the Democratic debates it's really just about giving airtime to the media's favorite candidates, i.e. John McCain, Rudy Giuliani. Rep. Ron Paul (TX), however, took the opportunity to rebuke the other candidates in their "I'm a bigger fascist than you are" game, and made a statement rejecting America's interventionist foreign policy.

Of course, when I saw the roundup on CNN this morning, they spun it as Ron Paul making a statement attacking patriotism, with Rudy Giuliani rightfully putting him in his place by yelling, "....I would ask the congressman to withdraw that comment and tell us that he didn’t really mean that."

Rudy, you are an immature asshole, and no intelligent person gives a shit anymore that you were New York's mayor during 9/11. You're like the Matt Damon puppet in Team America: World Police, but instead of saying your name like a dimwit you just yell "I WAS THE MAYOR OF NEW YORK ON 9/11!!"

I'm glad Ron Paul had the guts to say what he did in front of that audience.

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